Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mass UFO Sightings Montreal Canada

On November 9th, 1990, in Montreal, Quebec, witnesses reported a round, metallic object of about 540 metres wide over the rooftop pool of the Bonaventure Hotel. Eyewitnesses saw eight to 10 lights forming into a circle above them, giving off bright white rays. The phenomenon lasted three hours, from 7 to 10 p.m., and moved slowly northwards. While no one could identify the lights, few, according to the next day’s report in La Presse, were ready to express their belief that they were visited by aliens.

The day after the incident it was reported that a member of the norad went to local police station and confiscated all written reports on the incident. They have yet to be released.

A few witnesses say what they saw in a televised interview on CBC ...

An Aerial Phenomenon over Montreal
Broadcast Date: Nov. 7, 1994

On Nov. 7, 1990, a woman spots something in the sky while swimming in the rooftop pool of her downtown Montreal hotel. She sees a round, metallic object projecting a series of brilliant light beams. Her sighting sets off a chain reaction. She tells the lifeguard who calls the hotel security guard, who contacts the police and a journalist from La Presse newspaper. The RCMP, the military and even NASA are called in.

The aerial phenomenon lasts almost three hours from 7:20 p.m. to 10:10 p.m. The incident sparks sensation due to the excellent documentation and the large number of very reliable witnesses. Some theorize it is nothing more than the result of northern lights, dismissing the possibility of a UFO sighting. The event catches the attention of Bernard Guénette, a UFO researcher in Montreal.

In 1992, Guénette and Dr. Richard Haines, a former NASA scientist, publish a 25-page report on the sighting. The report concludes that the "evidence for the existence of a highly unusual, hovering, silent large object is indisputable." It suggests some sort of huge physical object, about 540 metres wide, caused the lights but fails to identify its origin.

During the night of January 25, 2010, witnesses in Harbour Mille, Newfoundland and Labrador reported multiple UFO sightings. A photograph taken by a resident revealed one of the UFOs to resemble a missile. An investigation by the community's police force and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is under way, though the Office of the Prime Minister has stated that the UFOs were not missiles.

References : UFO Sightings in Canada ~ Wikipedia

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