Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hemp Revolution : Documentary Film

Hemp Revolution is a documentary that covers a whole lot of ground. It deals with every historical and contemporary aspect of Hemp usage and cultivation (mainly in the U.S.), which turns out to be a lot.

From describing the production of a fibre much more durable and economic than wood, the documentary discusses hemp's multilateral uses as e.g. food products, as a non-polluting fuel and as a pharmaceutical product with much less grievous side-effects than chemical pharmaceutical products.

The film also investigates why America went from a country which produced vast quantities of the non-narcotic industrial hemp, to the complete ban on hemp production in 1938. This story in particular is interesting, and it points out that the large oil based industries actually had a key role in the aforementioned ban. Food for thought! The conclusion of the documentary could be that hemp may prove to be a valid alternative to both oil and wood in the future.

The complete story of the Hemp plant (marijuana, Cannabis Sativa). Hemp, probably the first plant ever to be cultivated, was among the world's largest agricultural crops until the late 1800s.

Anthony Clarke's documentary explores the plant's fascinating history, its myriad uses, its intense controversy and its modern potential to solve major environmental and social problems.

Some have gone so far as to claim that hemp, together with the bio-technologies presented in the film, could revolutionize the planet with a shift from the present unsustainable, petro-chemical based economy toward a sustainable plant-based economy.

Reference : Global Hemp

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